Online Quran Learning
Secrets behind the Popularity of Online Quran Learning

Allah blessed Muslims with the best religion and we are really lucky to be a Muslim nation. Islam is not only a religion but also a complete way of life. We learn about brotherhood with the help of this religion. People of all walks of lives, casts, cultures, and ethnicity are equal in Islam. The best example of equality and unity is Hajj when people of different cultures and ethnicity come and worship together. There is no discrimination of race in this religion. It shows that Islam is really a blessing for us. All the Muslims should unite together and hold the rope of Allah. They can do it by connecting to the Holy Book of Allah, named as the Quran. Muslims can be united if they read it, understand it, memorize it and then apply its teachings in daily life. Every Muslim should learn the Quran but there are many Muslims who, for any reason never had the opportunity to learn the Holy Book. There is a facility for such people in the form of e-learning. Thanks to the internet age, it has become extremely easy to learn the Holy Quran nowadays by joining an online institution.
The internet has many benefits. It has not only brought people closer to each but also provided them many facilities to take education. Like formal online education, Quran education is also possible to take.
The internet has made the world a global village by making people closer in contact with each other. They can also have greater access to education. Quran education has also become easily accessible. The Quran is a blessing for us and it is a unique Book. The beauty of this Book is that it is present in its actual form and will remain in its original form forever. Allah has taken its responsibility to preserve it forever.
If you do not understand Arabic, you can read its translation to understand it. The facilities of reading the translation are available to everyone but no one is allowed to use this translation in Salat or other worship. Learning and reading Arabic is very important because it is obligatory. Recitation should be melodious and beautiful but it cannot be achieved without learning. Recitation must be accurate too. It means that Arabic of the Quran must be read without errors and mistakes. The pronunciation of the letters must be perfect and similar to the recitation of our Holy Prophet (PBUH). Here in this article, we will discuss the secrets of the popularity of online Quran Learning.
Gaining the Quran Education
Today, Quran classes can be taken in two key ways - in the madrassa /mosque classrooms and through online classes. Muslims across different countries are demanding online classes mainly because of the great number of benefits. Advancements in technology have provided us the facility to find great teachers who are able to manage class at the time selected by the students. With the help of online learning, people can fulfill their dream of studying any course no matter how busy they are. This form of taking classes is also favorable for those who struggle with their busy lives, leading to them quitting their Quran learning.
Quran learning becomes more pleasurable and interesting when we do it online. The process of learning also becomes convenient if we take in a traditional way. The classes are simple and satisfying. It also provides us the opportunity to learn from the expert tutors. Students can find highly-qualified tutors, Quran Hafiz and Aalim e deen who are reliable in learning. Quran learning becomes very effective with their guidance and if the selected Quran center is reputable, it can be extremely fulfilling. The Holy Book of Allah is the source of guidance and helps Muslims achieve the right path that Allah taught us to take. The internet has introduced a new dimension for learning this Holy Book. This is an opportunity for students that they can plan their lessons according to their own time and have accessibility to have competent teachers without leaving your home.
Which Skills Do You Need?
Students who can use computer systems can find it very easy to take online lessons. It only requires basic computer skills to start taking lessons. Students will not find it difficult to take classes. There is a variety of courses that are available and are convenient and simple to learn.
Since these online classes are taught via the Internet, there is no other special kind of equipment that students need for taking the classes. But the most important thing is that students should have reliable access to the Internet so that there is no disturbance during the class. Check the connection first then start your classes. Audio communication usually does not require a high-speed internet but in the case of videos lectures, a high-speed connection is important so that you can do you work more efficiently! Students don’t need to be a computer genius for taking the class. The use of technology is simple for everyone. Both students and teachers can feel comfortable during class.
For learning the Quran, the students have to learn the Arabic language first. It does not happen overnight so students should have some patience. In the beginning, students may feel some frustration but they must keep their spirits up and keep on making efforts. Learning Arabic of the Quran is not like learning just another language. The students will only learn the basics of the language. With some time and effort, it does not become difficult. But the availability of expert teacher is very important. if the teacher is not good at teaching due to lack of his knowledge or poor teaching style, it is tougher for students and they take more time to get a complete grasp of the course.
Secrets behind the Popularity of Online Learning
Enrollment in Online Koran courses is preferred over traditional learning. Today, more and more Muslims are opting for this kind of learning for acquiring Islamic knowledge. This trend is rapidly increasing for both kids and adult learners. There are different reasons for making this choice. In today's fast-paced world the convenient way of learning is learning through online classes. Most of the people especially the adult learners today have different responsibilities so such learners need flexibility in their schedules. Read below the following reasons why this mode of learning is so popular today.
Easy Accessibility
Muslims who are interested in enrolling in any course can easily do it if they find any reliable Quran center providing this facility. Online institutions offering courses provide opportunities for students to register with them in an easy way. The registration process is easy and hiring teachers is also easy so that anyone can do it without any problem. Some of the institutes don’t require filling any registration form. Students simply can contact the academy and talk to them to start taking classes. The staff is available 24/7 so students can talk to them at any time.
Less Expensive
In countries like the USA, UK, Canada, etc going to an Islamic center is often expensive. It is even more expensive to hire a teacher at home. When students take online lessons, they can just pay fees and start taking classes. There are no other charges that students have to pay like traveling etc.
Online Payment
The best thing is that there is no need to go to visit the institute and pay fees. Students can easily make an online payment for enrollment of the course or pay monthly fees through the methods suggested by the institution. Online payment mode also helps in saving some amount of money in traveling. Online payments are also safe and students can easily transfer the funds as compared to traditional methods of payment in which cash handling or paper checks are concerned.
Convenience of Interaction
People think that it is easy to interact with teachers in traditional classrooms but in an online environment interacting with teachers is not easy. This is not true as in online classes the students can easily and freely communicate with teachers. They can have audio as well as video communication and can directly ask questions from the teachers. Sometimes online interaction helps them learn in a better way.
Ease of Time
When it comes to traditional learning, students have to follow the schedule provided by the institute. Some institutions are strict with time and never let the student get late. But if we take online classes, we can choose the time of our own choice for taking classes. Every student can study at their own chosen time. The institutes offer this facility because most people who are attending online classes are the working professionals and do jobs, businesses or have busy family commitments.
Credibility Of Teachers
It is no doubt that online classes provide the opportunity to learn from credible tutors. Though, these are not the professors but are well-qualified Quran tutors or Aalim e Deen. They are the experts and can teach the courses in a better way.
A lot of students who enroll in an online course are working professionals or are regular students in a school or college. They have hectic work routines and for most of them, it is really a challenging task to take online classes too. It is a common myth that lures you that online classes are easier than traditional classes. This is a total myth because the course content is almost the same. But these classes are convenient and easy to take. There is time flexibility and students can take lengthy courses conveniently. Before you enroll in a course, you must make sure you can take classes conveniently.
Since the physical class learning is missing here, so the students can check the profile of a teacher to know about them. Many institutes have the contact information of the teachers available on their websites. It becomes easy for the student to get information about the tutors.
What Does A Future Of Online Koran Learning Look Like?
Competition among online Koran institutions is also getting fiercer as they strive to outdo each other. Every academy is working hard to prove they can help students reach their goals of acquiring a particular Koran education. We are in a digital age and there is the advancement in the technology so the learning methods should also advance. Long gone are the days when students have to go to a particular place to attend the classes. Modern students don’t have to go anywhere as they can take any course at their home. If students don’t have the PC, they can also take the courses with the help of their smartphones.
Countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc. do not have Islamic centers in every area. So the future of online Koran education in such countries is bright. Students feel positive about this method of education. They can easily take distance learning courses so they feel encouraged. Parents are more satisfied with this type of learning. Since the online academies provide the education to a large number of students across the world so anyone can join them. These institutions are working to serve the Islamic education needs of worldwide students. These academies are now the major player in Koran education.
We, therefore, expect tremendous growth in online courses in the future. It will be highly-appreciated in future and we expect it to totally replace face-to-face learning in Western countries.
As digital technology is advancing rapidly, there are still many people who are not familiar with the technology. In the future, more and more people will become increasingly familiar with the use of technology and online education will be a trend. More and more people will have a reliance on all the latest technologies so the number of students turning to online learning will increase. The western countries will be the biggest adopters of online Koran learning as a lot of Muslims are embracing this mode of learning.
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